Featured Vendor: Confectionery Designs
Behind every fantastic wedding is a team of top-notch vendors. Our Featured Vendors are those in the wedding industry that we have worked with on many occasions, know and trust their style and professionalism, and who we feel would be a great fit for our brides and clients.
Confectionery Designs is a company specializing in wedding and specialty cakes. Renowned Pastry chef Mark Soliday and his wife & Bakery Manager Marie Soliday, moved to New England 16 years ago to expand their cake business. They offer an amazing selection of handcrafted cakes as well as a variety of doughnuts and pastries. Chef Soliday is also a Pastry Arts Instructor at Johnson and Wales University, Rhode Island. With his refined experience, Chef Soliday will design your wedding cake to reflect your personality and style, thus creating a lifetime memory. Check out some of his masterpieces below!
OceanCliff Hotel & Resort
OceanCliff Hotel & Resort
Regatta Place
OceanCliff Hotel & Resort
Hop on over to their website to learn more about their delightful cakes: www.confectionerydesigns.net
For more information, contact:
Confectionery Designs
774-565-8288 / 401-413-6851
**Mention this post and receive a Complimentary Cake Tasting. They will provide a range of flavor options so you can truly experience their work for yourself. New Bookings only.**
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